
This page is one of several used in this demo site as an example for you to edit.  The purpose of this demo is get a feel for the content management system (CMS) and capabilities that would help power your new website.

A CMS is not a website builder, the designer aspects of the site is what the web designer (Northwoods Web Designs) accomplishes.  As some design changes may require CSS, HTML5 and Java modifications to be completed, neither of what a CMS is built to do.

Feel free to explore the content management system (CMS).  After receiving the demo credentials and logging in; you will be taken to your “Dashboard” that will list several “How To” documents to get you started on making changes to the content of the website.

Pending the website build requirements, some of the items you will be able to mange yourself include the following:

  • Add, edit, delete page(s) (draft mode, publish mode, password protected mode)
  • Add, edit, delete sub-page(s) (draft mode, publish mode, password protected mode)
  • Add, edit, delete blog/news posts (these show up on blog/news page in chronological order)
    • embed images, files or YouTube videos directly in pages or posts
  • Add, edit, delete, style text (bold or italics etc..), delete text,
  • Add links to other websites
  • Create, edit, delete photo gallery(s)
    • Add, edit, delete, re-arrange (drop/drag) images
  • Upload and link to PDFs / other files
  • Add, edit, delete calendar events
  • Edit in a Word program, copy and paste contents directly into page

After making any changes you can easily preview the changes before you actually change anything.

If you haven’t logged in yet please click on the log in link using the DEMO username and password provided to you.